Friday, 29 May 2009


Sorry more puns! I couldn't resist, tea seems to lend itself quite nicely to cheesy wordplay. So the mystery is solved after my tea-ser the other day. I have made a teapot adorned pair of knickers!

I couldn't resist this print. It used to be a table cloth and now this beautiful vintage fabric has found a new home as a divine pair of pouffy panties. I am not normally one for full-on pink so I added this Tartan bow to add to the Britishness of teapots!

This is a one off design, but I think I will be experimenting more with this fabric. I love it!

You can buy this pair at my shops which can be found on the right of the screen (choose your currency). Or click here for a direct link to my favourite site.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

A Tea-ser

I have another new design for my shop to post in the next few days.

While I'm adding the last few finishing touches I thought I would show you somethings which I didn't make with my own fair hands, but which are all related to my next item. Can you guess what might have inspired me...

This beautiful ring is made by Ohmiroir and can be bought here

I adore these buttons by Glue and Glitter .

They would make even the most boring shirt into your wardrobe favourite. I want!

This is possibly the best thing I have ever seen

uploaded on flickr by [Zakkaliciousness]

The Teapot Gas Station

I wish I lived here...
uploaded to flickr by jimgspokane

This adorable necklace by Sumiko is on sale here

I couldn't resist this from rabbits on chairs on flickr...

These lovely brooches are made by Lupin.

Take a look at her blog here - it's good stuff!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Ever so exciting

Well I have some wonderful news... I made my first sale on etsy!!

I sold my 'A La Mode' Clock to a lovely Australian lady. You can read about her and her wonderful eco-friendly Heidi and Seek designs here.

I also have new items to show you all! I have been making more knickers. I have already put one pair up for sale and the others will be following shortly. Take a peek here.

And finally in the news for today I have a facebook page for pretty green so become a fan and stay up to date with news of my shop!

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Thank you

This is a hideously overdue thank you to Freshly Found for nominating me for a Kreativ Blogger award.

This means I have to nominate 7 other bloggers and tell you about 7 things I love. This is actually more difficult that I had expected. I want this list to be perfect, but I'm afraid I might just have to accept that I'm going to forget a few things. I've also decided to limit myself to creatively linked things otherwise I would probably explode from indecision and too much choice! So here goes (in no particular order)...

1) Films
My absolute all time favourites that I have watched at least 30 times each, but unfortunately probably a hell of a lot more are:
- Almost Famous
- Breakfast at Tiffany's

I also like many other (far more sensible, well made and important films), but I cannot lie and these are the films that I could recite to you from opening sequence to closing credits.

Another film which I love, but for different reasons is Sofia Coppola's Marie Antoinette.
This film constantly inspires me asthetically, I love the soundtrack and it reminds me of when I first met my frenchman.

2) Candyfloss Colours

Candyfloss probably isn't the right word which is why Marie Antoinette is important. I ADORE the colours in this film. These cupcakes pretty much sum up the colours I love:

They are also pretty cute in themselves - you can buy them here.

4) I am currently obsessed with forties hairstyles and other creative up-dos.

I have passed far too many evenings scouring youtube for these (another love - procrastinating!). My favourites are to be found at

and although I can't understand a word, I wish my hair would grow out and I could try this...

5) Interior Design and Furniture

Although I love many crafts (knitting, crocheting, sewing etc etc) The thing that inspires me the most in the world is an empty room (blank canvases generally scare me so this is a sure sign that it's love) I have spent so much time doing up rooms in my head and whenever I move house the first thing I think of is - brilliant, a new room for me to decorate. Once upon a time I considered following this as a career and in the back of my head I always think one day I'll pack in my sensible languages and start up my own interior design company.

I had to be forceably removed from this cafe in Berlin, it was as though someone had jumped inside my head and made everything I love real:

This love also stretches to old furniture that I can do up - for this reason I adore flea markets, antiques shops, thrift stores/charity shops. My favourite chain shop (and as I have previously mentioned, my money achille's heal) is Laura Ashley. This picture shows my main furniture soft spots, on the left is a gorgeous chair that we managed to pick up from a french flea market for €40 (!) and on the right is a flat pack bookshelf that I covered in the magazines I used for the clock I posted about recently.

6) Space Invaders

For a while I kept spotting these mosaic space invaders in various towns and started to take photos of them. I then found out a bit more and realised it is a frenchman called Invader who has put these up in many cities. Once I knew what they were I no longer felt compelled to photograph them as much, but me and my frenchman make a pretty good spaceinvader-finding team. He can sense when one is coming up (we started to notice they're all in similar places, he must have only one ladder because they are all at the same height too...) and I manage to spot them. I currently have over 50 photos from more than 4 cities. Here is just one from Monmartre in Paris...

7) The Frenchman

I suppose I have mentioned him enough in this post that I should probably introduce him at least a little bit, he is called Pierre (as he should be, being a frenchman! He also has a moustache and will occasionly wear stripey t-shirts). He is also a very very creative person and I love what he does. You can look at his illustration here (although it looks like he hasn't really been updating it...)

His friends have a wonderful fanzine:

And this is his band

Here you can see the perfect combination of his creative talents; the tshirt he designed for his band (you can find out where to buy it here) :

So there we go, as expected it has made me very stressed and indecisive. I bet the minute I post this I will think of something I should have included, but this is what came to mind first so I will have to force myself to stick with it.

And now to the most exciting and important part... who I nominate. Most of the blogs I follow are very commonly known and massive and a lot of them can be found on my links on the right (design sponge, decor8, craft: etc etc). I thought it would be better to honour people who I may not have read for as long, but whose personal style and choice of blogging-matter really inspires and appeals to me.

So I pass on this Kreativ Blogger award to:

Olly at

Laura at

Kate at


Lizzy at